Road trip South Coast Iceland 8/02 - 13/02

best goggle reflection evahhhhh ;)

can’t wait to visit this lake next spring

as if shooting through a rainbow

found one little patch of green to have a bit of IR fun with

snowy footsteps on the side of the glacier

a lil bit of Vincent Munier in between ;)

sunsets that take your breath away

one of the nicest clear starry skies i’ve ever seen

my favourite kind of photography, looking for something graphic where you don’t expect it

you obviously can’t pass up a on bit of Blue Lagoon in Iceland

…and we finally got a tiny bit of Aurora on our final night, a couple of hours before flying home

Driving a 4x4 from Reykjavik to Höfn and back. Unseen splendor and a variety of snowswept landscapes was what we were once again hoping for! 

Passing through vast snowy landscapes along the south coast; magnificent sunsets coloring the area with a warm glow and the wild and wayward waves claiming the black beaches. Wonderland for any nature photographers who want to enjoy themselves in a desolate monochrome atmosphere. This trip, I decided to go seek the colors in this black and white landscape. Four seasons in one day are the norm in Iceland, which provides a range of challenging photographic opportunities. As if that were not enough, the magnificent starry sky and the amazing northern lights hit you by surprise every time. 

Iceland, a stone’s throw from Ghent and yet it seems like being catapulted onto another planet. As Icelands biggest fan, I look forward to my next trip in May 2016!

Gran Paradiso

first walk into the park

praying for snow ;)

first IR trial

and the shot that i was happy about :)

all in all very excited about this trip :)

Chamois, alpine ibex, ermine, the 4061 meter high Gran Paradiso, a stone’s throw from Mont Blanc and snow … .Lots of snow. The perfect combination in the Graian Alps to test out my new snow equipment and experiment with - what’s new for me - infrared techniques. When arriving at the Gran Paradiso National Park we immediately noticed chamois everywhere. Snow we didn’t see unfortunately. The ermine and the alpine ibex also continued to hide. But as a nature photographer, other circumstances than hoped, are no exception. I therefore took advantage of the opportunity to make brisk walks in the mountains during the day and take pictures at nightfall, testing the infrared for my upcoming Iceland trip. These were three unpredictable days , still having yielded one image i’m happy about, and that was ultimately, besides enjoying the silence in the mountains, my goal.

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